Ah, but yesterday! Yesterday there was no rest for the wicked as Mike Cooling and I spent a straight twelve hours at Skyhook Studios working on two tracks that spanned the decades. First up was 'Immortals', a song written on the last day of winter - just a few short weeks ago - inspired by the ever-changing world events that fill our days and nightmares.
Second track was 'Poison Pen': drums, bass, guitars and backing vocals recorded in the summer of 1977 at Sound Service Studios in Zwanenburg, The Netherlands featuring the cream of Dutch musicians (Hans van Epen - guitar, Cees van der Laarse - bass and Gerard Jeltes - drums).
I had completely re-written the song, but kept the awesome rhythm section complete with my acoustic guitar and backing vocals. Rufus Fry added some wailing harmonica, Mike added acoustic guitar and I went for the kill with new lead vocals plus Sandra and son Toby adding atmosphere on some spooky backup choir stuff.
'Immortals' will have two versions ready for release. The song is a driving, stomping tune that works both as an acoustic number and as a full blown techno anthem. We used a sample of my legendary Cosmic Boot and a vintage tambourine from the 1930s. Mike added bass and I added synth and white noise washes right out of my pretty little mouth. Given a prevailing wind, this could be massive. We will be releasing the first mixes as soon as possible alongside a video to be shot real soon.
Yesterday was momentous for another reason too. I signed a publishing deal for the Cosmic Glue songs - so the train has left the station!
We'd love to play you some of the ongoing music - but we have to keep things under wraps until the final mixes are ready.
To keep up to date - you could always like either of my Facebook pages at: Cosmic Glue FB or GOFC
...oh yes...the Cosmic Boot Stomp!